PRESIDENT Hilary Taylor welcomed members and visitors to the October meeting, including a past member, Mary Bele, whose daughter Frances gave a demonstration on wrapping parcels.

This included gift wrapping bottles and circular tins and how to make ribbon bows.

Members were reminded of the Autumn Group Meeting at Kingfisher WI in October.

The August outing, a trip on the Severn Valley steam railway, had been much enjoyed.

Audrey Clarke gave an account of her visit to Denman College along with Sue Lawson.

Audrey had taken the course on painting and brought along the two pictures she had completed.

The skittles group will enter for the coming year, competing against other institutes within Worcestershire.

The craft group attended a day's tuition on Christmas tree decorations. In November they will paint on china.

The November meeting will be the AGM and nominations for the committee are called for.

Following the business part of the evening there will be a "dabble time" when some members will demonstrate their particular craft.