IT is always commendable and wise to go the extra mile for peace. But we are a civilised reasonable democracy. Iraq is a tyranny ruled by blackmail and terror.

It is no use pretending that Saddam Hussein is a democratic leader of a free country. He is an immensely cruel tyrant who has already invaded two neighbouring countries.

He is directly or indirectly responsible for the deaths of at least one-and-a-quarter million people.

Iraq has repeatedly run rings round the UN. That is why it likes playing the UN inspection game. Last time, it put obstacles in the inspector's way and four years ago finally expelled them. The UN did nothing.

Iraq always signs up to inspection and then thwarts effective inspection.

This time is a repeat performance. When are we going to learn? Inspection must be backed up with the threat of force.

The joint British US action to stop Milosevic's campaign of genocide was done without UN backing. He is now on trial at The Hague.

Saddam is far more dangerous - and has killed far more Muslim people than Milosevic.

We have the right to self-defence. There is a whiff of appeasement in the air. If we do nothing and are attacked, a lot of the people now criticising Blair and Bush will undoubtedly turn round and say - "you didn't take action to prevent this!"

