JO Johnson recently criticised me in regard to my attitude to Israel. Now Susan Ryder (You Say, September 30) apparently resents my attitude to self-appointed spokesman for Islam, Ahmed Raza.

Between them, Jo Johnson and Susan Ryder prove that my views are objective and impartial.

Never mind what has gone before. The territory of the old British mandate of Palestine must contain two fully sovereign states i.e. Israel and Arab Palestine.

Israel should refrain from interfering in the affairs of other states via the Zionist lobby in the USA.

Arab Palestine should never cause offence to others by introducing Sharia law. Ideally both these states should b be entirely secular.

Sharia law prevails in Northern Nigeria. There a young woman has had a child out of wedlock.

For this "crime," a Sharia court has ordered that she remains alive until the baby is weaned. Then she is to be stoned to death. What bizarre barbarity.

