At the October 1 meeting, Kath Oakley reported on information the future of the community centre, and urged members to write to the Civic Centre, expressing their worries.

Shirley Matthews and Otilia Gibbs manned the shop at WI House as requested. Volunteers are needed to man the Friends of Kidderminster Hospital Shop in Lombard Street, Stourport, on Thursday mornings.

Decoupage classes can be organised if sufficient members are interested. Dates for the diary include the half yearly council meeting on October 22, and the visit of Jenny Bond, royal correspondent, in November.

The annual meeting is on Wednesday, at 10am in the Memorial Park Community Centre, Stourport. New committee members are needed.

Members are asked to take a knife and fork for the buffet lunch.

The speaker was Jenny Thwaites, who had taken some of her knitted art.