DURING the past year members have enjoyed hospitality from other WI's in the area. The September meeting provided the opportunity to return this hospitality when visitors from these WI's and guests from the village were entertained for the evening. A warm welcome was given by president, Rosemary Prosser, before business items were outlined by Sheila Burley, secretary.

The subject for the evening's talk was the Vale Wild Life Rescue, and three representatives from this organisation based in the Evesham area, had organised a very informative slide show and talk covering many aspects of the work undertaken. The speakers were thanked by Rob Locke, and then everyone enjoyed a splendid supper which had been prepared by members.

A competition on Highway Code Signs was won by one of the male guests, Mike Pegg. Birthday flowers were presented to Mary Howe. Before ending the evening with a raffle, some market research questions were posed to the audience. It is intended that the answers and opinions expressed might be used as the basis for a resolution to be compiled by Defford WI on Road Safety for the 2004 AGM.