WEDNESDAY CLUB: Members met on October 2 when Mrs M Boath presided. Birthday cards were distributed, after which two minutes' silence was observed for the passing of Mrs Watson, a former member.

The trip to Weston-Super-Mare was enjoyed by all and members now look forward to an evening mystery drive on Tuesday, October 22 when the coach will leave the village hall at 4pm returning to Round of Gras for a meal. Members were reminded that the November meeting will be the annual 'Bring and Buy' sale - so don't forget to fetch all your 'goodies' for this occasion. The programme for the afternoon was an interesting talk by Suzanne Palmer, Sister in charge of the Day Hospital in Evesham. She was ably supported by Sister Pat Mason (now retired) but was in the Willows ward, Evesham Hospital. Mrs Boath gave the vote of thanks. Cakes for tea were given by Mrs Taylor, Mrs Wilkinson and Mrs Robson. Tea was served by Mrs Sylvia Matthews and helpers.