The society's annual summer show was held on August 31 in the village hall and provided the usual high quality display of exhibits.

The society's president, Dr Barrie Williams, and his wife were able to attend. Dr Williams, in his welcoming speech before presenting the awards, thanked all who had come to support such a fine show, mentioning particularly the committee members, the exhibitors and the many-behind-the-scenes volunteers, whose combined efforts had made possible the day's splendid events.

The awards were made as follows: The Society Shield - Mr Gordon Russell; The Rock Evans Cup - Mr David Rea; Cup for Fruit and Vegetable - Mr Gordon Russell; Cup for Flowers and Plants - Mr David Rea; The Domestic Cup - Mrs Maureen Turner; The Bonham Cup - Mrs Evelyn Phillips; The Flower Cup Challenge Cup - Mrs Beryl Jones; The Emily Bonham Salver - Mr Gordon Russell; The President's Salver - Mrs J Perrygrove; Best Photograph - Mrs Evelyn Phillips.

Wychbold Flower club: The demonstrator at the July meeting was Joan Garfield, her subject being special occasions.

Former club secretary, Tricia Colbourne, invited members to a garden party at her home in Cleeve Prior on August 7. September's demonstrator was Janine Hall and she achieved a tour-de-force with her lovely arrangements of choice blooms and foliage, all enlivened by humorous tales of her life and work with, of course, helpful comments and instructions.