SOCIAL services and housing teams in Herefordshire are under scrutiny.

Inspectors have arrived in the county for a six-week review of both departments, the results of which will be published next spring.

They want to know the quality of service provided, what service users think, what new services are in the pipeline and whether Herefordshire Council is delivering value for money.

The team's visit follows an assessment by the Social Services Inspectorate in May, which rated the service as "one star", with promising prospects for children and adult services.


"We're constantly striving to improve the quality of services we provide - a fact acknowledged by the inspection carried out earlier this year," said Sue Fiennes, director of housing and social care.

"This review analyses the way we manage and operate, assesses if we're giving value for money and makes a judgement on whether the services we provide fit around people, or whether we slot people into the services we provide.

"It's a very important distinction."

Anyone wanting to know more about the review team should contact lead inspector Steve Dobson at or Joint Reviews of Local Authorities Social Services, 33 Greycoat Street, London, SW1P 2QF.