n AS a German resident in your city for the previous two years, I am writing to express my disgust at the state of the roundabouts in Worcester.

On my daily drives I encounter many roundabouts and while some are adequately groomed, others resemble the Brazilian rainforests.

A typical example of this is that while many roundabouts in the Warndon Villages and the city centre are nicely kept, the roundabout near the new hospital, is surely now providing a home for previously undiscovered tribes and species.

Without the aid of a large periscope, it is impossible to see oncoming traffic.

Such inconsistency is typical of British inefficiency. In my hometown of Trier, the traffic roundabouts are always kept neatly clipped, visibility is never a problem and visitors often comment on their aesthetic qualities.

I am certain that Worcester does not wish to be known as the most irregular city in Britain.

Surely something must be done to correct this inconsistency.

