TWO books on sale this month tell the story of two great games.

In Millionaire Moments, Chris Tarrant looks back over the life of this extraordinary series - the winners, the losers and the hysterical screamers who have kept the television audience glued to their seats.

The Greatest Game Ever Played, by Mark Frost, is the story of Harry Vardon, Francis Oimet and the 1913 US Open championship, the tournament which turned a nation to golf.

And the Shuttle/Times and News has five copies of each - worth a total of £25 - to give away in an easy to enter competition.

Millionaire Moments takes a look at contestants like Keith Morgan, the man who played it cool while his wife was about to go into labour, then named the baby after the answer to the £250,000 question; Duncan Bickley, who gambled on the £500,000 question - and got it wrong, and Judith Keppel, who scooped the show's first £1,000,000.

The book lets you into behind-the-scenes secrets, and tells how the show developed from a vague idea on a scrap of paper to the phenomenon it is today, selling to 120 countries.

Many of the multi-choice questions from the show are included in this funny, entertaining book, which is a "must" buy for the show's armchair addicts.

The Greatest Game Ever Played, by Mark Frost, is the story of Harry Vardon, Francis Oimet and the 1913 US Open championship, the tournament which turned a nation to golf.

Prior to 1913, golf had been a minority sport in the US, a British import dominated by its creators, and in particular, Vardon.

Both featured golfers came from impoverished backgrounds, but in 1913, though plagued by ill-health, Vardon was at his golfing peak.

Oimet was 23 years younger than Vardon, and he was meant to be a spectator at the 1913 Open, but after a strong performance in the National Amateur Championships the powers-that-be insisted he compete.

For the chance to win one of five prizes, simply answer the following question:

Q: How many countries screen Who Wants to be a Millionaire?

Entries must be in by Friday, September 20 and normal Newsquest rules apply.

Millionaire Moments is published by Time Warner Books,price £7.99.

The Greatest Game Every Played is published by Little, Brown, price £17.99.