THE Blood Pressure Association, of which I am a member, is running its second national blood pressure testing week entitled Know Your Numbers! It's worth it. The event will give thousands of people the chance to get their blood pressure checked at special testing stations in this area as well as throughout the UK.

High blood pressure is a serious condition. It is often called "the silent killer" because few people ever realise they are suffering from it until the condition is diagnosed, often by chance.

Yet, if left untreated, it can cause strokes and heart attacks.

However, treatment is usually so effective that people can live long and healthy lives.

The blood pressure testing week has doubled in size in just one year.

From Monday until Sunday, September 22, more than 100,000 people are expected to have their blood pressure checked at more than 1,000 testing stations.

To find out more about the week, including details of your local or nearest pressure station, call the association on 020 8772 4994.

People need to know what their blood pressure is and what it should be.


Chapel Lane, Stourport