I WOULD like to thank everyone who supported this year's Wolverley Carnival and fete.

The float entries were absolutely superb and getting harder each year to judge, so my sincere thanks go to all those who entered, and for the time and effort that was put into them.

Also my thanks go to the parade walkers. This is getting more popular and the costumes are better and better.

The marching band, The Severnsiders, also did us proud, as ever. The carnival queen, princess and rosebud were wonderful.

To all those organisations who had stalls, promotions and activities, I thank you too for your efforts and enthusiasm.

It was a great day all round.

To my fellow organisers and helpers, I cannot thank you enough for not only giving all on the day, but for the weeks and months of preparation.

To the onlookers, the street collection raised £357.17 - thank you for your kind donations.

The final figure for monies raised is not yet complete, but signs are that it will be around £1,500, which will be distributed, as usual, to the charitable, non-profit making organisations of Wolverley.


Carnival secretary

Broomfield Road
