REGARDING the article "Dead end for cycle track" (Shuttle/Times & News, August 29), it is very feeble for the county council to axe part of Kidderminster's Comberton Hill enhancement project one week after the exhibition and before the end of the consultation period.

However, the deadline for the receipt of questionnaires has now been extended, which will allow time for the views of all the local community, including cyclists and pedestrians, to be taken into account.

Hopefully the county council will re-think its premature decision to axe the cycle track.

I would agree with the Comberton Hill traders that 48 hours notice of the exhibition was too short, but it should have also been held in other parts of the district, because it concerns improved access to the railway station, which is of interest to rail users throughout the Wyre Forest area.

Central Trains' plan to improve the cycle parking facilities, recognises that cycling is an important means of reaching the station.

The Government has set a target of tripling cycle journeys by 2010.

The reasons for this are for both environmental and health promotion reasons.

A cycle network is slowly developing but cycle lanes and tracks stop at areas of difficulty such as roundabouts, junctions and narrow roads.

Providing safe and direct cycle routes will require the county council to show both determination and foresight - qualities that were not apparent in this planning fiasco.


Cyclists Touring Club Right to Ride representative,

Franche Road
