HOCKEY: A David Knott-inspired Stourport seconds opened their season with an emphatic 11-3 win over Shropshire rivals Telford.

Telford levelled the scores to 2-2 after two early Knott strikes but Stourport replied to make it 4-2 at the break.

Chris Page, signed from Kidderminster over the summer, scored twice on his debut and young Danny Packwood dispatched two powerful drag flicks from successive short corners.

But veteran Knott took top honours with five goals in his quest to repeat last season's top scorer award.

Stourport scored seven without reply in the second period, including efforts from Phil Baldwin and Andy Watson.

Stourport Veterans 7 Blossomfield 2

The veterans kept up their good form of the previous campaign with a friendly thrashing of Blossomfield.

Led by Knott, Stourport are looking to mount a serious challenge for the national over-40s cup this year.

Early goals by Dave Bedford, Bob Taylor and Steve Ellis allowed Stourport to capitalise on their superior passing game to make it 5-1 at half-time.

Tom White, leading the attack, scored two goals either side of the break, while Bedford and Taylor both secured braces late on.

Dominant defenders Robin Conway and John Shackleton dealt with several Blossomfield breaks.

Cannock 2nds 5 Stourport Ladies 1sts 0

The ladies' first string had a difficult opening to their Worcestershire League Division One campaign with a 5-0 defeat at strong Cannock.

Stourport 2nds 4 Cannock 3rds 1

The seconds began the season with an encouraging 4-1 victory over visiting Cannock thirds in Division Two.

Stourport created good moves against a young Cannock side and took the lead after 10 minutes when Teri Baron scored with only her second touch of the ball.

By the 20th minute, Stourport were three ahead, thanks to further goals by Wilma Martin and Baron.

The home side continued to dominate and Kim Johnson added the fourth before Cannock grabbed a consolation.

Cannock 4ths 0 Stourport 3rds 5

Stourport thirds opened their campaign with a 5-0 win in Division Three.

They went ahead after 10 minutes when a short-corner resulted in Sally Haines' shot being forced in by Rosie Connally.

Stourport extended their advantage five minutes later when Kim Whitehouse added a second.

Cannock refused to fold under the pressure but were denied by stand-in goalkeeper Sara Jennings.

Lucy Holmes scored two more for Stourport and Jessica Trundle one as the visitors powered to a convincing win.

Fixtures, Saturday: Stourport Ladies 2nds v Great Alne (12.30pm).