Gardening Club:

The evening of Wednesday, August 8 could not have been more perfect for the clubs' visit to Chris Browns' nursery at Kitebrook.

The sun shone late into the evening which meant we could spend longer than anticipated to wander round this delightful nursery. It is tucked away, nestling at the base of a limestone track, bordered by an imaginative planting scheme, just outside the Cotswold village of Kitebrook. The nursery is home to the famous Joe Elliot Alpine collection and stocks many alpines along with a wide variety of herbaceous perennials and other plants. Throughout the nursery there are planted beds to catch your eye including a willow screen which was widely commented on. Needless to say many purchases were made and an enjoyable evening was had by all. Well worth a return visit.

The next meeting is on Wednesday, September 25 when the autumn show will be held. For details of this and future events, please contact the chairman Colin Hill on 01386 853412.