A MAN who attacked two schoolboys on a supermarket car park is at risk of being sent to prison.

Michael Vella lost control after his wife, the manageress of the Lidl store in Stourport, complained youngsters had been causing trouble.

He was picking her up from work when she singled out one 15-year-old and Vella marched over and banged his head twice against a wall, said prosecutor Tariq Shakoor.

When another15-year-old asked him to calm down, he punched him in the face, knocking him out for a few seconds, Worcester Crown Court heard. Both victims needed hospital treatment.

A jury found Vella, 36, of Bullfinch Close, Worcester, guilty of two counts of assault causing actual bodily harm.

Granting him bail for a pre-sentence report, Judge Michael Mott said: "It is a great pity that you didn't have the self respect to admit what you obviously did.

"It's just a shame that other people came here to lie on your behalf."

Violence broke out at the Vale Road premises after eight youngsters congregated on the car park to talk and ride skateboards.

Vella arrived to pick up his wife after she had finished a shift.

One victim said Vella was aggressive and swore. His wife ran behind him, pleading with him to stop.

The second victim hit his head as he fell to the ground and ended up covered in blood.

Vella left the scene with his family and a motorist called an ambulance and police.

The defendant refused to answer most questions put to him in an interview. But he was picked out by two 14-year-olds on an identification parade.

Vella, who was already under a suspended prison sentence for assault, maintained he never became violent.

Mrs Vella claimed in evidence that Vella never walked towards the group or hit anyone.