A TEENAGER from a Worcester children's home attacked one of his carers when he was not allowed to play on a computer.

The 13-year-old, who cannot be named for legal reasons, flew into a rage when he was prevented from playing on the home's Sony Playstation computer, Worcester Youth Court heard yesterday.

Julie Rosamond, prosecuting, said the boy had been told someone else was using the computer.

She said he was told to go to his room when he became abusive, but he carried on with the abuse.

The care worker took him upstairs, at which point the teenager became calm.

"He was often calm between bouts of aggression," said Miss Rosamond.

She said when the male worker let go of him, the boy jumped on him and then started throwing anything he could get his hands on at him.

Among the items he threw were drawers from a dressing room table, toy cars and a heavy metal lock.

The carer tried to calm him down and held him by the wrists, but the youngster managed to knee him and kick him in the back, said Miss Rosamond.

"He also spat right in his face," she said. "He continued swearing and struggling, and kicked him with full force in the shin."

Admitted assault

The boy admitted assault by beating. Richard Hull, defending, said he simply lost his temper.

"He has no excuse for his behaviour on that day," he said.

"He accepts, in hindsight, that it was wholly inappropriate.

"His behaviour since then has improved."

He said the boy had worked to address his anger management issues since the incident, which happened on Sunday, May 12.

Magistrates referred the youngster to Worcester's Youth Offending Team until Monday, March 24 next year.