A WORCESTER youngster has returned from her first-ever holiday full of smiles.

Lauren Davies has battled an unknown digestive condition since birth.

Last week, the two-year-old went on a holiday to Butlins in Minehead with her mum, Amanda Cornes, and grandparents.

"It was brilliant, Lauren loved it," said her mum."She had plenty to do. We went on the fair and on the sand."

The trip was paid for by the Fox Inn in St John's, which raised money through quiz nights.

"It was nice to be away from everything else, all the doctors, nurses and equipment at home," said Miss Cornes.

"Even though we were still setting her up on the machines, for a few moments it all felt normal.

"We'll definitely do it again. We thought it would be a lot harder than it was with all the machines, but it was easy compared to what we've been through."

Lauren, who lives in Essex Close, Dines Green, spent the first seven months of her life in hospital. Doctors have still not been able to say what Lauren's illness is.

Previous tests have shown that she is one of only five people in the world who has a defective gene, which means she cannot break down body salts and loses bodily fluids.

To gain nutrients she spends 14 hours every night on a parental line feeding machine and is fed through a tube in her nose each day.