THE Spa's MP is set to make the national headlines as he joins eight other participants in a major public hearing into the future of hunting.

Peter Luff, Mid-Worcestershire's Tory MP, is a member of the Middle Way Group who will examine expert witnesses in the House of Commons along with members of the Countryside Alliance and Countdown to a Ban.

The hearings, which have been organised by the Government, were due to start on Monday and run until today (Wednesday).

Speaking before the hearings, Mr Luff said: "Having looked at the evidence with great care I still believe something like the Middle Way Group's proposal - to allow hunting to continue under licence and with tough codes of conduct - still seems to be the right way forward.

"That is not to say that I won't be open-minded during the hearings. I may well hear things that surprise me and force me to rethink my position."

The MP added: "I hope all those who take an interest in the future of hunting - supporter or opponent - will approach these hearings in the same spirit.

"It's a real honour to be part of the team for these ground-breaking hearings and I am greatly looking forward to them."