LADYSMITH Black Mambazo - the South African group which made its name backing Paul Simon on his groundbreaking Graceland album - are coming to Cheltenham Town Hall on Sunday, September 15.

The Zulu choir has since sold more than a million copies of their own albums in the UK alone.

Their harmonies pay homage to the indigenous music of their homeland and has made them the number one selling recording group on the African continent.

They are headed by founder and composer, Joseph Shabalala.

Apart from their work on Graceland, Ladysmith Black Mambazo has shared the stage with leading world musicians and headlined a recent Celebrate South Africa event in Trafalgar Square, with Nelson Mandela.

Joseph said he realised he had a gift for songwriting as a result of a dream. "I heard these beautiful sounds of people singing," he explained, "The dream persisted for six months and I listened until I learned to imitate all of the voices. Then I could compose."

Ladysmith is the home town of the Shabalala family; Black refers to black oxen, considered strongest on the farm, and Mambazo is the Zulu word for axe, which symbolises the ability to chop down the competition.

The group will be on stage at Cheltenham at 7.30pm on September 15.

Tickets are available on 01242 227979.