WELL, the highways "powers that be" have done themselves proud this time.

Kidderminster's Comberton Road, Marlpool Lane, Franche Road, Castle Road, Stourbridge Road and the Wolverley Road by The Lock Inn, are all being repaired at the same time.

So, I thought I would box clever and beat them at their own game - go up to the Greenhill lights and into Hurcott Lane, out to the Park Gate, so that I would only meet one set of lights, on the Wolverley road.

Guess what. They were one step ahead of me. As I approached Hurcott Lane there was a big sign - "Road Closed".

What on earth are they trying to achieve? Firstly they drive us all out of town to shop elsewhere due to no parking spaces, then they endeavour to stop us from getting out of the town.

I suppose they will tell us there is a "purpose" for all this turmoil they have caused.

As a dweller of Kidderminster for over 50 years, I for one, would love to hear it.

Whoever decided to create all this ridiculous cock-up needs to go back to the drawing board.


Hayes Road
