HARVINGTON SINGERS: Met for a pre-season supper at The Mill on Monday evening prior to starting rehearsals today in readiness for the traditional Christmas concert. All seemed in good voice as was evident in the enthusiastic community singing led by Simon Greenhalgh which followed supper. The committee met last week to plan the format of the concert and were delighted with the selection of music proposed by choirmaster Peter Harrison. The singers can always welcome new members and any inquiries should be made to chairman Alan Hirst on 870162. No audition is necessary; enthusiasm, commitment and, of course, an ability to sing in tune are the only requirements.

VILLAGE HALL MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE: Assembled last Thursday evening for a couple of hours' hard work clearing the flowerbeds near the village hall and generally sweeping and tidying the whole area of the forecourt. At that informal gathering, there was good news of some excellent responses to the appeal made recently to village organisations for donations to the village hall funds to meet the unexpected demands on same caused by various problems involving expense. The horticultural society had voted to give £100 and this had been closely followed by a similar decision form HATS, both of which generous gestures were gratefully reported by the chairman David Clarke-Sykes.

Meanwhile, the management committee is putting into action various money-raising plans, the first being a table top sale and car wash on Saturday, September 14, from 10am to 2pm. Help has been promised by the Brownies and, it is hoped, the Guides.

Refreshments will be on sale. Booking of tables can be done via the chairman on 871881 and the charges are as follows: large table £5, small £3, and car wash £3. Your interest and support would be warmly welcomed.

REMINDER: The art group's exhibition and demonstrations take place on Saturday from 10am to 12noon with lots to see, refreshments on sale, and a good raffle to take part in. Admission is free.