DEAR EDITOR - The Government Planning Green Paper - "Delivering a Fundamental Change" (December 2001) for revision of planning procedures was debated by Wychavon District Council planning committee in February.

The new plans envisage a "statement of community involvement" - how the community could be involved before an application is submitted. There is a frank admission of failure to engage the community.

My paper to the recent Droitwich town planning committee emphasised that failure despite the community's efforts all last year, even to a parish poll. Cllr Meikle and company misused the council's powers when he closed down the lido without even saying anything to the community.

When he felt forced to arrange a meeting for the developers to convince the community of the benefit of their plan, the "community involvement" backfired on him. He is determined not to allow the community to do the same to the Saltway Superstore Project. Request for the debate on the application to be held in Droitwich for "community involvement" was refused. Your caption over O M Nash's letter to you emphasises the point "Views of the majority are being ignored". The community applauds your perspicacity.

Successive administrations have dismantled John Corbett's historic Droitwich, even to filling Impney Park with "bed and breakfast" accommodation, despite its Green Belt designation in the adopted Local Plan. The only remaining community interest in the famous brine is the recent "Salters Statue".

The Salters Hall, renowned Highfield Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases, Norbury House, the Worcestershire Brine Baths Hotel, the Winter Gardens - all of which signified Droitwich Spa, have gone.

Ron Waters,

Yew Tree Hill,

Droitwich Spa.