WHILE agreeing with the sentiments regarding the need for a confident future for the Three Choirs Festival expressed in your We Say column (page 6, Saturday, August 24), I take issue with the views expressed.

In general, your reviewers have been complimentary about the standard of concerts.

Furthermore, David Lewins' piece on Page 4 carried the headline "Proms ending to successful week", entirely at odds with your We Say column.

The concerts with the Tallis Scholars and the Sydney Choir were of brilliantly high standard and those which included the Mahler and Rachmaninov symphonies with leading conductors of international reputation were, by general opinion, outstanding and would have graced the festivals of Edinburgh, Salzburg or Vienna.

A festival in which one of the world's best orchestras, the Philharmonia, participates cannot be dismissed as mediocre. Your columnist's plea for an "enticing" programme with greater appeal is far from the mark when the first performance of the Vision of Piers Plowman was a work enjoyed by performers, audience and critics alike.

No, the festival included events of international standard of which Worcester and the concert sponsors should be proud and your anonymous columnist does a disservice by knocking it so.


West Malvern,
