By Helen Clarke

REDDITCH youngsters can give their views for the council's 20:20 Vision Community Strategy, which aims to improve life in town for residents.

A youth conference is due to take place tomorrow (Thursday), in the town hall, where youngsters will get the opportunity to exchange ideas and influence future plans and priorities for Redditch until 2020.

The event, funded via a successful partnership bid to the West Midlands Government Office Social Cohesion Fund, forms part of the wider Hot Stuff summer activity programme.

A range of activities will be held, with workshops running from 9.30am-4.30pm and a disco and buffet in the evening.

The youngsters will look at issues affecting them, such as leisure facilities, crime, bullying and transport.

Also covered will be wider issues such as global warming, human rights and recycling.

Participants will also be able to speak in a Big Brother-style diary room, have a go on an image-maker, add to a design on the graffiti wall and eat and drink as much as they like.

A spokesman said: "The conference is open to all Redditch young people and promises to be a great day.

"The workshops will be informal and fun, using lots of group work, games and activities.

"It's an important opportunity for young people to tell us what they think and have a say on the future plans and priorities for Redditch."

Placed are limited and must be booked in advance.

For more details, call Jo or Karen on 534151.