I AM very disappointed to hear that Redi may close or be seriously affected in the Redditch Borough Council budget cuts.

I first went to Redi in 1996 after being referred by my doctor after suffering from severe panic attacks and lack of confidence.

Redi seemed my only hope!

I attended for four wonderful years and it changed my life and my confidence has soared.

The staff were very helpful and supportive during a time in my life when I really needed someone.

I really think it's a bad move to change Redi and I would be broken-hearted if this were to happen.

There is nowhere quite like Redi where people in a similar situation to myself would feel comfortable attending.

Places like the college would be far too daunting for me to contemplate going to.

Redi is somewhere you can gain confidence, get support and get qualifications.

The sky's the limit. Redi is just perfect the way it is - please leave it alone.

Yole Burns

Evesham Road

Headless Cross

I READ with interest of the possible closure of the popular Redi Centre.

We Cherry Tree Walk residents are outraged about a mobile unit that has been erected on Batchley First School field; its purpose - daytime and evening courses run by Redditch College.

It must have cost thousands of pounds to put up, plus the running costs incurred.

It seems absolutely ludicrous that one learning centre faces closure when another has been erected.

Surely the resources could have been used to help the Redi Centre?

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