ARE your readers aware that, by a draconian terrorism law hastily passed by the Blair Government in 2000, it is considered a terrorist and criminal offence to interfere or try to overthrow any government, however tyrannical, of another country?

Are not Blair and Bush guilty of conspiracy to break this law by discussing war against Iraq as Bush prepares to go to war to save his political skin?

He's in trouble with the economy at home, compounded by his tax cuts to corporate America.

He has to get the Americans to wrap themselves in their flag and follow him to war.

The man is so dim that he cannot see that he will set the whole Middle East aflame. Tony Blair looks as though he's going to be his lap dog.

Far better that both men spend time trying to resolve the Israel and Palestinian problem that is the cause behind the rise of terrorism.

It's the USA supporting the Israelis with arms and money that's behind the formation of al Qaida in the first place.

There are lots of Jewish votes in the US of course. Let us echo Tony Blair's words on crime, but change it to "tough on terrorism, tough on the causes of terrorism".


Drakes Broughton.