THERE were mixed reactions in Droitwich this week as townspeople took a look at the new plans for a multi-million pound Waitrose store.

The proposals, which were revealed last week, have been criticised and welcomed.

Some claim nothing significant has changed since the original plans were put forward last year and that it will ruin Droitwich.

Others insist the store is the best thing that could happen to the Spa.

Critics include the group Action for Droitwich, which has maintained its stance and is still objecting to the application, saying it will bring nothing but problems.

The bid, which is due to be considered by the town council on August 12, includes an open air market in between Toy World and the Talbot Pub.

There would also be four permanent kiosks, a market traders' storage area, washing and toilet facilities.

However, some market traders haven't taken comfort in the new provisions.

Christine Stevens, who has run a shoe stall since the market opened 20 years ago, said it would not be feasible for her to move outside.

" There is no way I would move to an open air market, if I wanted to do that I wouldn't have been here for the past 20 years," she stressed.


"The whole thing is just a nightmare."

Yet many have welcomed the plan, saying it will bring people into the town who would not normally shop here.

A spokesman for the market, which will be knocked down if the plans are given the green light, said: "Waitrose will bring new shoppers into the town which will further Droitwich greatly and also help bring people back to the High Street.

"I think it will be a big boost for Droitwich, which will benefit a lot of people."

He assured townspeople that the Market Hall was still open for trading.

"Whatever happens, the company will do everything it can to help its traders and we are definitely still open for business."

Demolition job

WAITROSE has applied to Wychavon District Council for permission to demolish the derelict brewery building at the back of 19 High Street.The plans will be decided under delegated powers but will form part of the supermarket application.