n I WAS intrigued by R Wilkins' letter inviting us all to write to the Secretary of State for Trade and industry to voice our concerns about a "vast" increase in nuclear power generating capacity, in order to reduce our nation's carbon dioxide emissions.

I continue to be amazed that among all its waffle, regarding carbon dioxide emissions, the Government never mentions people.

It seems to me that the Government's plans to bring another six million people to our nation will increase our CO2 emissions by 10 per cent.

Forecasts that airline passenger numbers will triple, in the next 30 years, will "triple" emissions of CO2 and water vapour into the high atmosphere.

In addition, I never hear Government expressing concerns that economic growth and the explosion in road haulage has added to our CO2 emissions.

All I ever hear is the damage ordinary people are doing to the climate by our use of "energy."

Atmospheric CO2 levels are higher now that they have been for "thousands" of years, and rising. We can see global warming is changing our climate. As these effects of global warming accelerate, we shall see countries, like Bangladesh, inundated.

Talking about a few nuclear power stations isn't going to save Bangladesh, because global energy use is expanding across the world.

That we are talking of building more nuclear power stations, rather than putting the money into beginning the "Hydrogen Era" shows how intellectually bankrupt we are.

I find it mind-boggling that we talk of the need to maintain economic growth, with huge numbers of immigrants, while we watch bulldozers struggling to defend seaside towns against the rising sea levels that global warming is bringing.

