The work of the club continues with appearances at carnivals and fetes.

At Bewdley Carnival members ran a fund-raising stall, and also manned one of the gates to assist the Carnival Society.

At Kidderminster Carnival, again a fund-raising stall was run, with the books proving a good line. If anyone has paperback books they would like to donate to the club to raise money, they are invited to contact the number given below.

More appearances will be made by the club at Stourport Horticultural Show and Stourport Carnival.

The main welfare project of the club is in full swing, as local families with children are being taken to the caravan at Breen Sands for a week's holiday. Those without their own transport are taken there by club members or willing volunteers.

New members and helpers are always welcome.

To contact the club call 01299 825230 or e-mail