STROUD Theatre Company is presenting two plays about the same subject at the Everyman Theatre. Both stories focus on journeys to the same destination - love.

Left Luggage showcases two new plays combining humour, tension and captivating tales of human behaviour. The first play is Growing Things by Mike Akers and this is followed by Just You, Me And a Glitterball by Lucy Catherine, both directed by Stroud-based actor and director Chris Garner.

Growing Things introduces Mal who is determined to take an angle grinder to the railway track. By chance he meets up with Kimmy who is alone on the embankment having been let down in love. Meanwhile, the Glasgow express train speeds ever closer, bringing with it questions, of love, life and loss.

Just You, Me And a Glitterball is set in an airport departure lounge where Deborah and Marek are delayed with only an array of miniature bottles of spirits to entertain them.

Left Luggage is on at The Other Space Studio Theatre until Saturday, July 20, with curtain up at 8pm and at 2pm for Friday matinee Friday. Tickets cost £7 from the box office on 01242 572573.