PRESIDENT Hilary Taylor opened the July meeting. The usual format was changed and Mr & Mrs Such took over with their presentation 'Big Bands of the 30s'.

Mr Such introduced band leaders whose names remain famous and recordings were played of music from bands of that era.

They included names such as Henry Hall, Victor Sylvester, Joe Loss to name a few, and a magical hour of pure nostalgia was enjoyed by all.

A few members attended an international evening.

They were able to meet Marieta from the Gambia and learn first-hand of their gratitude for the jumpers that WI members had knitted for young children out there.

Also for the sewing machines that had been sent there and were being put to full use. Marieta presented a wooden carving to the county WI.

A Webheath member reported on her visit to the IGM at Brighton when she was delegate.

Guest speakers were Norman Willis and Jenny Murray from BBC Woman's Hour and John Gittings spoke on conservation.

In August members will enjoy an outing to Kidderminster and the Severn Valley Railway.

Hilary Taylor won the competition for a musical box.