THE meeting and AGM of the Inner Wheel Club of Droitwich Spa, presided over by president Shirley Jones, took place at the Raven Hotel.

The meeting began with the sad news of the death of Thelma Hammond, for many years a member of the club and a past president. A silence was observed in her memory. Mrs Jones announced that the trip to the National Memorial had been a great success.

The gardeners question time evening, held in April, had raised £320.64 for Acorns Children's Hospice.

Dates and venues for a salmon and strawberry lunch, a coffee morning and visits to other clubs were arranged.

The club AGM then took place with reports given by the officers.

The officers elected for the year 2002/03 are: president - Marion Neale, secretary - Margaret Tanner, treasurer - Margaret Wilkie, overseas service officer - Lesley McKenzie and club correspondent - Pam Plumridge.