DEAR EDITOR - Although a few weeks after the occasion (we have been away) we would still like to make some points concerning the Golden Jubilee celebrations in the Rubery area.

Firstly, being members of the Rubery and Rednal Royal British Legion, we did not expect to have to go any further than Legion Road in order to take part in the proceedings.

This proved not to be the case. All that the Rubery Legion had on offer was a very soggy bouncing castle. There was no family entertainment of any kind, indeed, children were not even permitted into the so-called 'caberet' held in the evening.

We decided to try a small social club also located in Rubery - the Hawthorns on Rednal Hill Lane.

We were not hopeful as none of us are members and do not frequent the club on a regular basis as we do the Legion.

We were most pleasantly surprised by a warm welcome to what turned out to be an excellent afternoon and evening. The Hawthorns may be a small concern but they surely know how to put on a good celebration.

This is what we all enjoyed:- a huge, covered bouncing castle for the kids, a Gladiator game and other games under cover. A barbeque in the afternoon and again in the evening. A children's tea party, including a giant '50' cake as the centrepeice, a fancy 'Kings & Queens' dress parade and goodie bags for all children present.

During the afternoon there were children's films shown in the concert room and this was followed by an excellent disco for all the family. The other rooms in the club were open as usual and everyone had a great time.

However, what impressed us most was the fact that all of the above (apart from drinks) was provided FREE OF CHARGE, including all food.

We feel that the committee and staff of the Hawthorns Social Club deserve our sincere thanks and a hearty pat on the back. They put on a well organised and brilliant day despite the adverse weather.

The Rubery Legion have long made it clear that families are not welcome. This is a pity as it will be the younger folk that will inevitably inherit the club, and as for the Golden Jubilee, you would not think that the word 'Royal' was part of the title for the Rubery branch at all!

Mrs K.M.Fair, Mrs J.Ryan,

Mr & Mrs M. Nickless,

Ms K.Palmer,


(by e-mail).