A TEENAGE girl who was saved from taking her own life is urging people to look beyond her rescue, featured in the Evening News, and investigate the reasons why a young person would consider suicide.

The 19-year-old who was stopped from jumping off Sabrina Bridge by schoolgirl Stephanie Dean would like to see more support for young people with problems.

Stephanie, aged 15, a pupil at Bowbrook House School, received a Good Citizens Award for her actions.

She later discovered the teenage girl she saved had previously lived in her house at Packhorse Close, College Fields, St John's.

"I am extremely grateful to Steph and her friend Claire for being there for me and feel that their efforts should be rewarded," said the teenage girl who does not want to be named.

"I do, however, feel that the focus of your story seemed to be slightly distorted. You seemed to take matter-of-factly that a suicidal teenager was dangling from a local bridge and more amazed that two people who next arrived on the scene walked with her to the police station.

"Doesn't the fact that someone so young - and with so much possible potential in front of them - was ready to take her own life that day mean more?

"Is that not startling within itself?

"You published a story about her rescue, but what about the original issue itself?

"People need to be made more aware of places they can go. I am amazed that you didn't even print the number or address of the local Samaritans branch in your article."

The teenager has now written a poem which she says "reflects my feelings on the event and the story".

The Samaritans can be contacted on 0345 909090 or 01905 21121.

Something is wrong - July 2002

"A girl on a bridge

The girl wants to die"

A newspaper reports

To the public eye

What great entertainment

What a fascinating read

A plateful of gossip

On which thousands can feed

Not a thought for her feelings

Or her mask torn away

Just praise for the onlookers

Who led her away

"She didn't look well

There were scars on her arm"

Your newspaper story

Did me so much more harm

My mind feels exposed

My heart is sad

But if it helped sell the paper

It can't be that bad

Thank you for telling

My personal sorrow

To anyone who picks up

The paper tomorrow

Just a suggestion

- Before I sign off

Don't wait for the next person

Who might finish life off

Do something now

Before someone might die

Find out why young people

Need a place they can cry

What's going wrong?

Why are people so low?

Surely there must be

Some place to go?

"A girl on a bridge

The girl wants to die"

Don't focus on how

But ask yourself "Why?"