YOUTH worker Ruth Mollart hopes to bring more young people in touch with Christianity.

Ruth, aged 22, has been employed by St Matthew's Church and the Alcester Deanery to work with children at schools in the area.

She arrived in Salford Priors last month and has been visiting the local schools, watching how assemblies are conducted and being introduced to children, who she aims to help with personal, social and spiritual development.

Another one of her tasks will be to head up the committee of a new cyber caf, which is due to be launched shortly at the recently refurbished Salford Priors Memorial Hall.

She said: "When I arrived here I was shocked at the church population in Salford Priors, but everyone's been really friendly so far and we can't wait to get the new cyber caf started."

She has also been helping to organise a contemporary youth service called Sorted!, which is being held at St Nicholas Church in Alcester this Saturday at 7.30pm.

Rev Steve Tash said: "I think that someone who is 22 and living as a Christian is a tremendous role model for youngsters.

"She will be a huge benefit to the church."