CHILDCARE in Herefordshire and Worcestershire has received a major cash boost in a round of awards from the New Opportunities Fund.

Grants amounting to £385,000 will provide more than 700 extra out-of-school childcare places for children in the two counties.

Worcestershire receives £146,053, to create nine new clubs and expand two existing ones, providing 285 new places.

These will include 48 after-school, 80 wraparound, 117 holiday and 40 all year round places for children aged from three to 14.

This is the ninth award the county has received from the New Opportunities Fund since October 1999.

"This latest award will allow so many childcare providers across the county to improve their businesses and support children, young people and their families," said the council's business and finance officer, Cath Ellicott.

In Herefordshire, a grant of £239,390 will help create eight new clubs and expand an existing one.

It will be used to create 32 after-school, 75 before-school, 16 before and after school, 89 wraparound, 49 all year round and 24 weekend places for three to 14-year-olds.

The grants are among awards worth £1,866,102 announced today by the New Opportunities Fund, which is the biggest National Lottery distributor.