BIG Brother's Worcestershire contestant Tim Culley was left sobbing over the possibility his girlfriend may have dumped him.

The former Malvern student was in tears in the diary room, after he saw Swedish girlfriend, Johanna Dahl was missing from a video of housemates' families.

Moody Tim also slept well into the morning, when he refused to climb out of bed to help others clear up after an impromptu pillow fight left feathers across the bedroom floor.

But the 23-year-old, whose parents - a restaurateur and an interior designer are based in Upton-upon-Severn - tried to perk himself up by coming up with an improvised game of Who Am I?

He convinced the others to use the girls' make-up to write the name of famous people on sticky labels and attach them to each others' foreheads.

By asking questions, the gang gradually worked out their secret identities, although Jade took a little longer than might be expected.

She eventually guessed her famous character was Jordan after Kate prompted her that she had similar qualities to the busty model.

Either Kate or PJ will be evicted from the house on Friday after housemates drew lots to see who would be up for eviction.

It means Tim, who is ranked a lowly 13th in a Channel 4 poll over housemates' popularity has survived another week in the house.