AT the time of writing India and Pakistan appear to be on the brink of war. For many in this country these are far away nations so why should be concerned? But an increasing number in Britain have parents, and other relatives there, so it is a very "near" concern. My own grandchildren have aunts, uncles and cousins in India. The world has become a much smaller place and the threat of war anywhere could so easily draw us into the conflict.

Sadly, the western nations are hardly setting a good example. George Bush thinks the answer to terrorism is to bomb Afghanistan to bits. Is it surprising if India looks like responding in the same way, when it is attacked in Kashmir.

As Britain is historically involved we must seek to persuade our government to do all in its power to stop such a conflict happening. And our prayer can play a vital part in that. So we should all pray for peace and demonstrate it in our relationships with those around us, with the help of God.

MALCOLM THOMPSON, Evangelist, Christ Church with St Mary's, Malvern.