OFSTED inspectors have given the thumbs-up to a Kidderminster school describing the standard of education as "very good" and support and guidance as "very caring."

More than one-third of the teaching staff observed by a team of 16 inspectors at King Charles I School was said to be very good or excellent, while teachers' subject knowledge and lesson planning are key strengths.

Good progress has been made since an inspection in 1996 and over the last four years the school has improved its performance in the national tests for 14-year-olds from average to above average.

In the sixth form, students gained above average results in 2000 and well above average results in 2001.

Behaviour is very good and pupils were found to have a very positive attitude to school. However, inspectors described attendance as below the national average despite efforts by the school to remedy this, although attendance in the sixth form was very good.

Parental satisfaction was high, the sixth form is "very good" and providing good value for money.

Inspectors agreed with sixth form students that access to computers should be improved.Two computer laboratories are planned for next year.