SHOPPERS were making a noise in Kidderminster town centre on Saturday so a message can be sent to world leaders.

Members of Wyre Forest Friends of the Earth took their campaign for global rules for big businesses to the streets to raise awareness of threats to the natural world.

Members of the public were asked to pick one of four sounds representing aspects of the natural world which the group claims are under threat from the actions of multi-national companies.

The sounds played were a tiger roaring, a conch shell, waves crashing and children playing.

Organiser Dave Finch said: "The idea is that we send a really loud message to world leaders at the Earth Summit in South Africa from August 26 to September 4."

The noises will go forward to make up a giant sound sculpture to be exhibited at the summit.

"We want Governments to stand up to big business and impose rules that will ensure that corporations work for the benefit of everyone," said Mr Finch.