PAUL Wanklyn, a student from the Clive Harrison's School of Tae Kwon-Do based at the Tewkesbury Sports Centre, has been successful in attaining the grade he sought at a Black Belt grading with Global Tae Kwon-Do International (GTI).

Paul, who travelled to Derby, had to perform various disciplines to a high standard including advanced hand and leg combinations, various Patterns (attack and defence combinations in different directions against imaginary opponents) self defence techniques, set sparring, free sparring, destruction techniques (board breaking) jumping kicks at head height to a kick shield, knife defences and a theory test.

Instructor Clive Harrison, sixth Dan said: "Paul has trained hard and prepared well to obtain his Dan grade. The standard is very high and grades are not just given away, which is how it should be."

This now brings the number of Black Belts and above currently training in the club to ten.

Anyone wishing to train with Clive at the Tewkesbury club should call him on 01531 640187.