THERE has been good fishing on all coarse waters throughout the week.

A junior angler landed 20 fish, the best a 1.5lb roach, fishing peg 10 on the Heron Pool.

The best perch weighed 3lb 1oz, caught on peg 21 on the Heron.

Sunday Open, Heron: Nigel Kimberlee (Trowmans Tackle) 51lb 8oz (peg 49), Ken Clarke (Cradley Labour) 38-9 (63), Alan Morrison (Spartans) 37-11 (46), Ivan Goode (Poole Hall) 32-2 (66).

Romart Paints contest, Heron: Adam Jones 59-2 (35), Peter Washington 42-9 (22), Steve Brown 36-10 (61).

Park Inn, Moorhen: David Shaw 27-14, Sam Jones 14-10, Len Jones 8-6.