GOLDEN JUBILEE: Celebrations set off with a fine start and the weekend's packed programme is to be followed with other events through to June 28.

On Saturday at The Bell Inn and on the Green festivities started with a treasurer hunt, barbecue and a hill race from the village to Saintbury Church and back. A large crowd enjoyed the evening and many, young and old, entered the race.

On Sunday morning a "Churches together" Service was held in the marquee at the village hall. The service was conducted by Rev David Vince with Rev Stephen Mullings of the Methodist Church. After the service many villagers assembled at St Peter's Church for an organised group photograph taken from the church tower.

Sunday afternoon saw a Golden Jubilee village party held in the recreation ground where residents, families and friends enjoyed a picnic, barbecue, games, children's races, fancy dress, tug-o-war and listened to the Chipping Campden School Swing Band.

Over the weekend judging took place for the best-decorated property. There were three classes, large residential, small residential and commercial.

There was a Grand Summer Ball on Monday evening held in the specially decorated marquee. This was attended by 160 people and by common consent they all enjoyed an evening which will be long-remembered - surpassing by far the Millennium Ball which was then thought to be unbeatable.

Senior Citizens were invited on Tuesday afternoon to tea at the village hall where over 60 residents enjoyed tea hosted by the Women's Institute. To end the afternoon a "sing-along" was conducted by David Griffiths in his usual entertaining style.