PARISH COUNCIL: At the recent meeting Cllr Llewellyn was re-elected as chairman, and Cllr Southcott as vice chairman.

Annual grants were agreed as follows: Fladbury village hall £100, parochial church council for church clock £30, parochial church council for Five Alive magazine £35, Citizens Advice Bureau £75, Cotswold Line Promotion Groups £25.

Path from Lower Moor: If the proposed cycle route from Pershore to Evesham went ahead it would go along the Porters path. Cllr Eyre reported that there was some money available for work on the path.

Railway Bridge: Railtrack to be chased again regarding the dead trees and the painting of the bridge.

Verge on Station Road: Cllr Eyre had been in touch with the chairman of Wychavon and he promised to sort out the problem or come to the next meeting to explain why it had not been done.

Tennis Club lights: The club was to fit spill shields on the floodlights soon.

Trees in the village: Permission had been sought to trim the four trees overhanging the pavilion. The horse chestnut tree on the Pool Garden was dying and it was agreed that this should be removed.

Pool Garden safety report: The report from RoSPA had said that the barrier at the Lazy Lane entrance should be replaced.

Ferry Cottage sign: Cllr Mills was asked to chase up the ferry sign post near Ferry Cottage.

The next meeting of the parish council will be held on June 24 at 8pm in the pavilion.