THE people of Throckmorton have just cause to be concerned at the prospect of an immigration centre being built in their village. It's one that should be shared by the county and country.

Britain, due to government policy, has gained the reputation for being soft on immigration and the Government has also failed to inform the citizens of the dangers.

Before anyone begins to shout "racist", we should look at Canada and America, who have informed their people of the risks.

At the end of April, 370 intelligence agents attended a conference, in the ski resort of Whistler, British Columbia, Canada, to discuss terrorism.

Ward Elcock, director of The Canadian Security and Intelligence Service stated: "If you look at places where major terrorist attacks have taken place, the nature of some of these groups, al Qaida in particular, is active in 62 countries and uses such people as fishermen, teachers and store clerks".

Some were legitimate, but many others bring the politics of conflict with them and he warned "that Islamic terrorists form Algeria, Libya, Egypt and Somalia have sympathisers in every Western democracy and the reality has to be dealt with".

The reality for the British people that these terrorists and sympathisers are already here in their thousands.


Newland, Malvern.