A POOP scoop policy in Kempsey could be pushing the dog dirt problem out of the village and on to Stonehall Common.

Parish councillors heard that the situation had become worse since they introduced dog bins.

"We seem to have a fleet of vehicles bringing dogs twice a day and it's getting ridiculous. You can't walk without treading in dog mess," said Pete Copson, at this week's meeting of Kempsey Parish Council.

"I have had complaints from three or four people who like to go for walks across the Common.

"There is literally a stream of people in the morning and I think it is since we have put out dog bins that people from the village are coming up there.

"The problem is that everyone parks in the same gateway."

Chairman Joy Clee said the area directly above the Farmer's Arms was also very dirty.

"Are we going to ask people to clear up their dog mess in the countryside as well as in the village?" she asked.

Rebecca Wynn did not think this would be reasonable.

"At the end of the day, the commons are there for people to be able to walk on them and enjoy them, dogs as well," she said.