THE Downs School will host an ESO Children's Orchestra course this weekend.

The Childrens Orchestra enables beginners to experience the joy of making music together over an intensive weekend with tuition.

The course, which also in-cludes singing, rhythmic exercises and ear training, is for children aged seven to 12 years old (Grades 1 - 3). It runs from 10am to 4pm both tomorrow (Saturday) and Sunday.

There will be a free concert of repertoire learnt at 4pm on Sunday for family and friends.

The whole weekend costs £32 per student or £16 for one day and a packed lunch is needed.

Registration begins at 9.30am tomorrow and more information is available from Kate Hodson on 01684 560696.

n The Childrens Orchestra will be performing at Malvern Priory on July 14 in a special Priory Organ Appeal concert.

They will also be at the ESO's Classical Favourites picnic and fireworks concert at the Three Counties Showground on August 25.