YOUNGSTERS from Worcester primary schools and playgroups have been showing off their gnashers this week as part of a national campaign.

The pupils, including children from Stanley Road Primary, have spent the last few days learning from an expert, the importance of clean teeth and regular trips to the dentist.

During her visits, dental health co-ordinator for the county Alison Willis talked about dental erosion, sugars, healthy snacks and drinks as part of this year's British Dental Health Foundation initiative.

"Nearly one quarter of children in the UK show signs of dental erosion that will lead to more severe tooth destruction and costly treatment later in life," she said.

"Frequent consumption of canned drinks, fizzy pops and fruit juices all contain acid, which, in turn, can dissolve your teeth - even the sugar free varieties.

"Still water and milk are the safest choices, as well as a healthy diet."