I AM delighted that Mrs M J Large (You Say, May 7) wishes to continue our interesting if somewhat lengthy debate on conservation, animal welfare and country sports.

Contrary to her suggestion, I'm more than willing to address matters of genuine animal cruelty and welfare.

As we hold widely differing views on this issue, may I suggest we refer to the latest serious independent research on hunting.

The Lord Burns report into hunting with dogs was totally independent and examined all aspect of hunting and related country sports in fine detail.

It concluded there was no case for a ban. Most notable was the answer given by Lord Burns when asked if hunting was cruel, he replied ''the short answer is no''.

The Burns Report, coupled with the fact that the majority of vets believe hunting should continue on the grounds of animal welfare, is conclusive evidence that hunting is defiantly not a cruel activity.

This leads to the not unreasonable conclusion that those seeking a ban are using the so-called ''cruelty aspect'' as a smokescreen to hide their real agenda which is the class war.

